Course Reimbursements

As mandated by the Collective Agreement, Shared Health provides reimbursement for courses required by the RCPSC and the CFPC. The complete list of eligible courses can be found in Appendix “D” (last updated November 2024)

For all course tuition reimbursements please submit:

  1. Course receipt
  2. Shared Health Expense Claim Form. Please ensure that you sign.
  3. Certificate of Completion

Please send by mail, fax or email to:

Provincial Medical Administration Office
Shared Health
1502-155 Carlton Street
Winnipeg, MB  R3C 3H8
Phone:  (204) 926-1356
Fax: 204-943-1792
E-Mail:  [email protected]

Course fees are reimbursed upon successful completion of the course.

If you have any questions, please contact the Provincial Medical Administration Office at 204-926-1356.