Coverage and Reimbursement Information
As per the Collective Agreement, Medical Residents are required to maintain Canadian Medical Protective Association (CMPA) professional liability and malpractice coverage. Non-medical Residents are required to maintain appropriate professional liability and malpractice insurance acceptable to the Employer.
While the Collective Agreement stipulates that the employer is responsible for paying all but the lesser amount of 25% or $625.00 of Residents’ CMPA fees, CMPA is no longer accepting third party payments as of June 2020. This means that, as of July 2020, Residents will need to pay CMPA directly, and then be reimbursed by Shared Health. Once you receive your receipt of payment, email the receipt to [email protected] . When submitting receipts to Shared Health, please use the subject line “CMPA REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST” in your email. Please note that you can obtain a Statement of Account by signing into the CMPA member portal, however, monthly payments will only show as paid once the monthly payment is completed.
In accordance with the PARIM Collective Agreement, residents will be reimbursed appropriately whether you choose the annual or monthly pay option. However, the timing of the reimbursement will depend on your method of payment.
If you have further questions for CMPA, please see their FAQ page or call CMPA directly at 1-800-267-6522.
January 19 2022:
All medical residents must maintain liability insurance through the CMPA, and must pay their annual dues to the CMPA directly. As per the PARIM Collective Agreement, Shared Health will reimburse 75% of you CMPA dues. Please follow the following steps to have your reimbursement processed:
- Pay your annual CMPA membership fees directly to the CMPA (online at You may choose to pay annually or monthly. Contact the CMPA directly if you have issues with accessing your account.
- Obtain a copy of your “Statement of Account” (via logging into the CMPA website). 2022 Statements are now available.
- Email your Statement of Account to Shared Health ([email protected]) by February 7th.
- You will receive your reimbursement on your paystub. Please see the attached document for reimbursement dates and timelines: CMPA Reimbursement Schedule
January 21 2021: Memo from Shared Health regarding deadlines and how to submit receipts.
June 4 2020: Joint statement from PARIM and PGME regarding CMPA payment